Business Management Case Study - 5


Tech Vision Innovators( TVI)

Tech Vision Innovators is a mid-sized company specializing in software development and IT consulting. Over the past decade, the company has experienced rapid growth under the leadership of its founder, James Carter, who has an autocratic leadership style. James is known for making swift decisions and closely monitoring his employees to ensure projects are completed on time and to a high standard. While this approach has been instrumental in driving the company’s initial success, it has also resulted in high employee turnover and complaints about a lack of creativity and autonomy.

Recently, James announced his retirement and appointed Sarah Lee, a long-time employee with a democratic leadership style, as the new CEO. Sarah values employee input, encourages collaboration, and is committed to creating a more inclusive and innovative work environment. However, her leadership style marks a significant shift for the company.

 As part of her transition plan, Sarah introduced several changes to the organizational structure and processes to align with her leadership approach. These changes include greater delegation of decision-making authority, the formation of cross-functional teams, and the establishment of more open communication channels. While some employees are enthusiastic about the new direction,  while others are resistant, fearing that the changes could lead to confusion.


a)     Outline two functions of human resource management   [2]

b)    Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of  James Carter’s leadership style     [4]

c)     Discuss the potential reasons for employee resistance to the proposed transition plan and suggest strategies that can be implemented to overcome this resistance.           [10]

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Suggested Answers:

a)    Outline two functions of human resource management [2]

Recruitment and Selection: This HRM function involves attracting, screening, and selecting qualified candidates to fill job vacancies. It includes creating job descriptions, posting ads, conducting interviews, and choosing candidates who align with the organization's goals and culture.

 Training and Development: HRM identifies employee training needs and provides opportunities for professional growth. This includes organizing training programs, workshops, and mentoring to enhance skills and knowledge, keeping employees updated with industry trends and preparing them for future roles.

Award [2]  Two functions outlined ( No explanation  is needed)

 b)    Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of  James Carter’s leadership style [4]

 Advantage of James Carter's Leadership Style (Autocratic):

Swift Decision-Making: James Carter’s autocratic leadership style allows for quick and decisive action, particularly in situations that require fast responses or where clear directives are needed. This can be especially beneficial in a fast-paced environment like software development, where projects often have tight deadlines and need strong leadership to stay on track. By making decisions unilaterally, James ensures that the company’s objectives are met efficiently, without delays caused by lengthy consultations.

The disadvantage of James Carter's Leadership Style (Autocratic):

High Employee Turnover and Low Morale: A significant drawback of James’s autocratic style is that it can lead to low employee morale and high turnover. Since this style limits employee input and autonomy, it can make employees feel undervalued, stifling creativity and innovation. Over time, the lack of engagement and opportunity for personal growth can lead to dissatisfaction, resulting in talented employees leaving the company in search of a more collaborative and supportive work environment.

Mark as 2+2

 c)     Discuss the potential reasons for employee resistance to the proposed transition plan and suggest strategies that can be implemented to overcome this resistance.[10]

 Tech Vision Innovators, a rapidly growing software development and IT consulting company is transitioning from an autocratic leadership style under founder James Carter to a democratic approach under new CEO Sarah Lee. While the shift aims to foster collaboration and innovation, it has sparked resistance among employees who are accustomed to the old management style.

Reasons why employees resist:

Fear of uncertainty and change: Employees may resist the transition because they are accustomed to James Carter’s autocratic leadership style, where decisions were clear-cut and responsibilities well-defined. The shift to Sarah Lee’s democratic style, which emphasizes collaboration and shared decision-making, may create uncertainty about roles, responsibilities, and expectations. This uncertainty can lead to anxiety and resistance, as employees fear the unknown and are unsure how the changes will affect their daily work and job security.

Loss of power and status: Employees who held significant influence under the previous leadership might resist the changes if they feel that their power or status within the company is threatened. Under an autocratic leader, certain individuals may have enjoyed a direct line to the top and the associated authority. The move to a more democratic and inclusive structure could dilute their influence, leading to resistance from those who feel they are losing their privileged position.

Concerns about efficiency and direction: Some employees might worry that the new democratic approach will slow down decision-making and lead to inefficiencies. The previous autocratic style allowed for rapid decisions, which might be perceived as more effective in meeting deadlines and maintaining a clear direction. Employees could fear that increased collaboration and the formation of cross-functional teams might result in lengthy discussions, conflicting ideas, and a lack of clear leadership, potentially disrupting the company’s productivity and focus.

Other points candidates may discuss are:

·       Comfort with the Status Quo

·       Fear of Increased Workload

·       Doubt in New Leadership

( Note: Min two points with explanation needed)

 Strategies to overcome employee resistance:

Clear communication and transparency: To address fears of uncertainty, Sarah should ensure that the transition plan is communicated clearly and transparently. This involves explaining the reasons for the changes, how they will benefit the company and employees, and what the new expectations are. Regular updates, Q&A sessions, and open forums where employees can voice their concerns and receive direct responses can help alleviate anxiety and build trust in the new leadership.

However, Ensuring consistent and effective communication across all levels of the organization can be difficult, especially in a mid-sized company with diverse teams.

Involvement and participation: To mitigate the loss of power and status, Sarah can actively involve key employees, especially those who held significant influence under the previous leadership, in the transition process. By giving them roles in shaping the new structure or leading cross-functional teams, they may feel valued and see the transition as an opportunity for growth rather than a loss of power. Encouraging participation across all levels of the organization can also foster a sense of ownership and commitment to the new direction.

However, involving key employees without causing resentment is challenging. Prominent roles for previously influential employees might create perceptions of favouritism, leading to tension and undermining the overall sense of inclusion and fairness.

Training and support: To ease concerns about efficiency and the new collaborative processes, providing training and support for employees is crucial. This could include workshops on effective teamwork, decision-making in a collaborative environment, and time management. Additionally, setting up clear guidelines and frameworks for decision-making within teams can help maintain efficiency and ensure that the company continues to move forward with purpose and clarity. By equipping employees with the necessary skills and tools, Sarah can help them adapt to the new work environment and reduce resistance.

However, ensuring that all employees effectively engage with and apply the training can be difficult. There might be varying levels of interest and participation, which could result in inconsistent adoption of new processes and hinder the overall success of the transition.

( Note: Min two points with explanation needed)

Other possible points:

·       Engage employees early in the process

·       Provide clear role definitions and support

·       Highlight success stories and quick wins

·       Maintain open communication

·       Pilot programs and incremental changes:

Note: Candidates can also answer this using Kotter’s six-change model

 Tech Vision Innovators’ shift from autocratic to democratic leadership faces challenges like fear of uncertainty, loss of power, and concerns about efficiency. To overcome resistance, Sarah Lee should ensure clear communication, involve key employees in the transition, and provide thorough training. By addressing these issues effectively, Sarah can foster a smoother transition and create a more collaborative work environment, aligning with Kotter’s change model principles for successful organizational change.

However, the stimulus does not provide complete information on the  TVI, hence the strategies suggested needs to be reviewed.


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